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Of Life And Other
Such Matters
Volume 1 – Paperback

This is the first volume of poetry centered around questions about love, friendship, suffering, relationship, fear, death, grief, loneliness, religion, God and the origin of creativity led to a process of self-inquiry in the form of this poetry.

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Of Life And Other
Such Matters
Volume 2 – Paperback

The second installment of poetry centered around questions about love, friendship, suffering, relationship, fear, death, grief, loneliness, religion, God and the origin of creativity led to a process of self-inquiry in the form of this poetry.

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Speech Acrobats
Companion Book to CD – Paperback

The majority of the poems in this book were set to music and can be heard on my album Speech Acrobats. They mostly constitute the latter part of over two-hundred poetry reflections, which, over the course of several years, have made their appearance spontaneously and unbidden.

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More Other
Such Matters
Volume 1 – Paperback

The poems in this book constitute part three of a series of over one hundred reflections, most of which appeared spontaneously and unbidden over the course of six years.

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Album • MP3 Download


My poetry set to music written, produced & performed by me, Fella Cederbaum.
Truth and Destiny
Album • MP3 Download

My poetry set to music written, produced & performed by me, Fella Cederbaum.

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Album • MP3 Download


My poetry set to music written, produced & performed by me, Fella Cederbaum.
Speech Acrobats
Album • MP3 Download

My poetry set to music written, produced & performed by me, Fella Cederbaum.

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