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MahnoDahno™ - Fella Cederbaum
MahniDahni® - Fella Cederbaum


“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Fella Cederbaum’s excellent book of poems. She has a wonderful and unusual technique that works very well and seems to me particular to this poet. Her constant questions get the reader involved and make her poems more meaningful, while the subject matter of her work – freedom, Truth and a peaceful existence residing in every one of us – is very interesting. Fella Cederbaum’s ability to describe feelings with an interesting use of language lends great depth to her work. I was deeply moved by the almost overwhelming tragedy of Fella Cederbaum’s stunning poem What If, [Volume 2] which adds weight to her strong and thought provoking work.”

Mark Wallace
Professor of English (ret.),
Thomas College, Waterville, Maine

“…Her wonderfully crafted poetry gives voice to our deepest questions about truth, love, pain and purpose. She explores the experiences of human life and celebrates the awareness of a power much greater than us.”

Jon Gordon – Best-Selling Author
International bestseller “The Energy Bus”
Keynote Speaker, Expert in Positive Leadership

“Poets are born not made! Fella Cederbaum is a unique, brilliant poet who magically paints with words of wisdom, beauty, love and harmony.”

Yola Nash, WABC Radio
Show Host

“Of Life and Other Such Matters” goes straight to the essence of the world’s spiritual teachings with profound depth, clarity, directness, and often with great humor. Each poem gifts the reader with eternal truths and teachings wrapped in a uniquely engaging poetic voice. This is food for the spirit that one can feast on indefinitely. I highly recommend it!”

-Robin Casarjian, Author, Founder/Director of
the Lionheart Foundation and its
National Emotional Literacy Project

“Life is rarely as it appears in plain view. Fella’s poetry explores life, its essence and its meaning in both consequential and insignificant moments. Her words offer a new lens to what we couldn’t see before so that we can feel differently moving forward.”

-Brian Solis, Digital Anthropologist, Futurist, Award winning Author of “Lifescale: How to Live a more creative, productive, happy life.”

Mixing poetry with ambient keyboards, Fella Cederbaum delivers messages of reflection, warning and wisdom like a news editor with a musical heart. There’s a tango’d synthesizer supporting messages to unite on “Truth Tango”, while fake news is lambasted on “News”. Some Nintendo tones support Cederbaum on the title tune while dark warnings take  place on “Fear” and “The Great Offense”. Bohemian rhapsodies?

Spoken word is not a genre that is for everyone, like any kind of entertainment. It is very much a genre that appeals to a very distinct audience group. To that end, famed poet/author Fella Cederbaum’s debut album, Truth and Destiny is a work that will certainly appeal to a very targeted audience. The main aspect of this 12-track presentation is its lyrical content. This will be examined shortly. While the album’s lyrical content makes the record worth hearing, its musical counterpart detracts from the appeal of the record’s presentation. It will be discussed a little later. The record’s sequencing rounds out its most important elements and will also be discussed later. Each item noted is important in its own way to the whole of the record. All things considered, they make Truth and Destiny a presentation that will appeal to only a very targeted audience.

“Fella’s poetry brings peace to noise, rhythm to silence, answers to questions and wakes up busy minds to reflect. She makes her meaningful words sound in a unique harmony that pleases, inspires and enlightens the reader. She has an authentic gift.”

-Edsel Gomez
Grammy Winning Pianist, Composer

T.S. Eliot once said, “Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood,” and I find that timeless, living quality in Ms. Cederbaum’s evocative and inspiring work. Her poetry invites an innate understanding of those powerful intangibles we can only know through personal experience, and captures the Oneness alive in all of our hearts.”

-Robert Kopecky
Emmy-nominated art director
Author of How to Survive Life & Death
and How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying)

Fella Cederbaum’s powerful poetry offers unflinching glimpses into her innermost thoughts and feelings. Written with authenticity, generosity and courage, her compelling musings invite the reader to open the door to their own inner sanctum, creating meaning that stirs the soul and challenges the mind.”

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
New York Times Best Selling
Author and Keynote Speaker

“The musician, poet and artist Fella Cederbaum is always unpredictable, and these 13 tracks continue her formula with emphasis on communication and coexisting in these unusual times.”

Tom Haugen
Read full Review: HERE

“On Truth and Destiny, psychotherapist-turned-poet Cederbaum aka MahnoDahno, shares a lifetime of insights on how to transcend disruption – and thrive!

Indeed, isolation and lockdown led to the creation of Truth and Destiny, the debut recording of artistic polymath Cederbaum. On the brand new debut album, the multi-talented author recites a dozen of her poems while performing her original compositions on piano and keyboards.”

Anne Carlini

“Life is rarely as it appears in plain view. Fella’s poetry explores life, its essence and its meaning in both consequential and insignificant moments. Her words offer a new lens to what we couldn’t see before so that we can feel differently moving forward.”

Brian Solis
Digital Anthropologist, Futurist,
Award winning author of “Lifescale:
How to Live a more creative, productive, happy life.”

“Each of Fella’s creative, fun and love infused poems awakens in you the awareness required to survive disruption and thrive in life.She awakens in you the awareness required to survive disruption and thrive in life.”

Tony Jeton Selimi
Five Times #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of “A Path to Wisdom” and the Co-creator of Multi-award Winning “Living My Illusion” documentary series

“Fella Cederbaum offers a powerful thought-provoking and entertaining read created with such fresh poetic sensibility. Her wonderfully crafted poetry gives voice to our deepest questions about truth, love, pain and purpose. She explores the experiences of human life and celebrates the awareness of a power much greater than us.”

-Jon Gordon, International Best-Selling Author (The Energy Bus, The Coffee Bean), Keynote Speaker, Positive Leadership Expert

“Cederbaum’s poetry invites the listener on a guided meditation along the pathway to introspection and reflection, celebrating the essence of the human spirit. The poetry reveals deep empathy for the universality of life’s experiences, as the poet considers ways of navigating the world, addressing what dwells in the heart as well as in the halls of power.“

While it definitely takes a bit more intellectual attention and patience to experience spoken word poetry set to music than sung lyrics, every, incisive, socially conscious word spoken by the multi-faceted creative expressive Fella Cederbaum on her compelling, ear popping and soul transformative second album Speech Acrobats is worth the investment of time and heart. 

Jonathan Widran
Read Full Review HERE

“I find Fella Cederbaum as one of the most unique poets of modern times. In her collection “Of Life and Other Such Matters” she impressively dives into the human experience, offering a thought-provoking read. Her poetry is highly inspiring and reads like an inner thought that could be your own.”

-Robin de Levita, Internationally acclaimed, multiple Tony Award winning Broadway Producer, TV and Film Producer

“The Poetry of Awakening: These poems range from the mundane (Cadbury’s chocolate and fancy hairstyles) to the metaphysical (karma, pure awareness, the Soul) and they are a delight, and a challenge, to read. Simple and direct, they cover an amazingly wide range of human experience. For those who’d prefer to hear them read aloud, may I suggest a visit to”

Dr. Eric Leskowitz, MD
Harvard Psychiatrist, Author, Film-Maker

“Of Life and Other Such Matters” chronicles Fella Cederbaum’s search for answers to a multitude of life’s important questions. Some are personal, some are existential and some are spiritual, but all are universal. In its pages you will find answers that comfort, answers that alarm and answers that enrich and inspire. The real jewel though is the awe you will experience at the beauty of the questions themselves. That beauty will arouse a fire in your own quest. Before opening these pages, prepare yourself for a very personal journey.”

-Bruce Petschek, Cinematographer
DOP on the Ig Nobel Project
and the Banjo Project

“It’s pretty clear that Cederbaum has lived a very thorough and examined life, and her wisdom and creative drive is quite striking as the spoken and music portion of her art makes quite an impression…”

-Tom Haugen – &
The Daily Vault